Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Baby Bump!

Nope, not mine... But my friend Courtney Clark's.
She is a little past her due date, for her precious baby boy.. and we thought, 'maybe he's just waiting for his before pictures..'
So yesterday, in the hot blazing sun, we shot a few, in hopes that one day she could tell that boy.. "you were born the day after these pictures were taken"
So anyways, she is such a beauty and a burst of joy and sunshine. I wanted to share these pretty pictures of her, and have you all say a little prayer that her little boy will get into the right position and make his way into our world very soon!

such, a beauty.
Getting inspired for things in the blog department.
Going to be rolling out some new things, features and exciting plans in the next few months!
Can't wait to share!
Have a happy Wednesday!
the week is almost over.



Ginny Elizabeth said...

beautiful pictures! awesome job charis...and court, you are a babe!

miss you. can't wait to hear of all the stuff you will be bloggin about. but if it is BIG news, i better hear it from you...not your blog :) love youuu!

TheLovelyHunter said...

such pretty pics! our good friends tommy and lydia just had a baby boy, and she was soooo ready to get that baby out let me tell you:) can't wait to see pics of the new baby:)

Mary Ellen Skye said...

such a pretty mom to be! good job with the pics lady!!